Harlow! I'm incredibly bored today and so thought that I should try to do something about this homepage of mine. Gee. It looks like it needs more work than I thought it did. Ah.. the plaster is falling off the walls and the paint is flaking in the strangest ways. That's what happens to homepages when you forget their URLs and neglect them...they die off worse than those tamagotchis do, beeping and eating into the fuzzy corners of your concience until you practically go insane. I don't have much of a concience left as most of my friends who didn't get a Christmas present from me will tell you.
When this old year ends and the new one begins, it will also mark the beginning and end of many things. Like a new layer of Kueh Lapis as you peel off the top one. Like the germinating seeds in time lapse photography. Like the end of secondary school life and the start of JC life. I am quite sure that all of us are rather apprehensive at what the new year holds for us. Well, I don't know. And I guess we'll just have to take it one step at a time, always look forward and remember that it's not over till the fat lady sings.
Alrighty then! Here's some links which you may want to wander off to in search of better webpages than mine. And I assure you, all of them are.